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Congregation Beit Tefliah


Renowned for warmth and friendliness, Congregation Beit Tefilah offers true Jewish Southern hospitality. Whether you’re a longtime Nashville resident or a newcomer, Chabad welcomes you and offers something for everyone. 



Doug Revere, President 

Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel 

Esther Tiechtel, Educator and Rebbetzin 


95 Bellevue Road Nashville, TN 37221 (615) 646-5750

Congregation Micah


Authentically diverse, unafraid to break the mold and guided by visionary leaders, Micah infuses the lives of its congregants with Judaism that is meaningful, relevant and transformative. 



Lynn Heady, President

Rabbi Philip “Flip” Rice 

Rabbi Laurie Rice

Celia Lerch, Executive Director

Julie Greenberg, Education Director

Lisa Silver, Music Director/Cantorial Soloist 

Mindy Drongowski, Family Outreach Coordinator 

Brandi Belcher, Administrative Coordinator 

Hannah Pollok, Communications Coordinator 

Micah staff can be reached at (615) 377-9799

2001 Old Hickory Boulevard Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 377-9799

Congregation Sherith Israel


Congregation Sherith Israel offers a flavor of Orthodoxy unique to Nashville and is a community open to all regardless of religious background, level of observance or knowledge. Sherith Israel offers extensive programming, including education for youth and adults alike, social events, an active Sisterhood and community service.



Yuri Livshitz, President    (615) 292-6614

Rabbi Saul Strosberg   (615) 292-6614, ext. 23; 

Cantor George Lieberman  (615) 292-6614, ext. 26

Janet Harris, office, (615) 292-6614, ext. 21;

Mikvah information:

For service times, please check the website:



3600 West End Avenue Nashville, TN 37205 (615) 292-6614

The Temple—Congregation Ohabai Sholom


Since its beginnings in 1851, The Temple has been the heart of Reform Judaism for Nashville’s Jewish community. The Temple offers a welcoming family to enrich your Jewish life. ItsW membership is diverse, from singles to married and same-sex couples, families with children to retired households, newcomers to 6th generation Nashvillians. The Temple has the region’s only nationally accredited Reform Religious School, highest industry-rated, full-time Preschool, and an abundance of services and programs relevant to your needs & interests.



Martin Sir, President 

Joyce Friedman, President 

Mark Schiftan, Senior Rabbi, ext. 224 

Shana Goldstein Mackler, Rabbi, ext. 221 

Rabbi Michael Shulman, Director of Education,  ext. 233 

Tracy Fishbein, Cantor, ext. 226 

Erin Hirsch Zagnoev, Director of Development and Membership, ext. 299  

Mitzie Russell, Office Manager and Executive Assistant to the Clergy, ext. 292

5015 Harding Pike, Nashville, TN 37205 (615) 352-7620

West End Synagogue


West End Synagogue is Nashville’s traditional egalitarian congregation. Its diverse community is united by the shared values of Torah (learning), avoda (prayer) and gemilut chasadim (kindness). West End develops and enriches its unique Jewish identities through ritual, celebration, education and social action. Together, West End Synagogue strives to imbue ancient rituals with modern meaning.



Steven Hirsch, Board President 

Rabbi Joshua Kullock 

Cantor Sarah Levine 

Marcia Stewart, Executive Director 

Sharon Paz, Director of Lifelong Learning 

Linda Sisselman, Membership Coordinator,

3810 West End Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37205 (615) 269-4592