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We are happy to announce that for the 4th year, we will have our Jewish community booth at the Nashville Pride Festival on June 24th and 25th. 

Since we started our Jewish Nashville Welcomes You With Pride booth, it has been a huge success—the welcoming approach of the Nashville Jewish community is visible to thousands of people, and many Jewish people notice and appreciate it. Many register to be on the Jewish Nashville mailing list, others just stop by to express their thanks for having such a large Jewish presence, and others come by with their kids who were adopted through JFS’s Adoption Journeys. This year, we want to emphasize that this is a community booth representing all of Jewish Nashville's organizations and community members.

Interested in participating or volunteering? Sign up using the links below:


  • Nashville Pride Parade - Saturday, June 24 - Sign up to march HERE
  • Nashville Pride Festival - Saturday, June 24-Sunday, June 25 - Sign up to volunteer at the Jewish Nashville booth HERE

Pride shirts are back!

Limited quantities are available!

The button below leads to a Guide to Jewish Nashville and Middle Tennessee with helpful listings of Jewish organizations, their welcoming statements, and contact information. Our embrace is meant to be broad and inclusive. Everyone counts. We are stronger together, and we are more vibrant from our diversity and we warmly welcome each member of our community.