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AIPAC- The American Israel Public Affairs Committee  

AIPAC, The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is the only American organization whose sole mission is to lobby the U.S. government about the legislation that strengthens the relationship between the United States and Israel. AIPAC members in all 50 states are encouraged to be politically active and develop relationships with their members of Congress to help educate them about the importance of U.S.-Israel ties.  



Regional Office (Atlanta) 

Nashville contacts:

Jeff Jacobs  

Jeremy Werthan  

Fred Zimmerman  

J Street Nashville 

J street Nashville is the local chapter of J Street, the national political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans. The organization gives political voice to mainstream American Jews and other supporters of Israel who believe that a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is essential to Israel’s survival as the national home of the Jewish people and a vibrant democracy.  J Street Nashville offers a variety of educational activities and opportunities such as nationally and internationally speakers, and smaller group presentations on various topics relations to American Jewish concerns regarding Israel and the Middle East.



Shayna Abrams 

National Conference on Jewish Affairs 

The National Conference on Jewish Affairs supports the rights and safety of the Jewish people in America, Israel and around the world by providing strong Jewish leadership to respond to and counter the growing, orchestrated demonizing of Israel, Jewry and America. An umbrella organization uniting active Jewish leaders and groups across America, NCJA was formed to give voice to those who want to express support for and act on behalf of justice for Jews, Israel, and Zionism.  

Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable 

The Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable (NJSJR) is an independent, nonpartisan Jewish voice for progressive views on social justice issues including poverty, affordable housing, education, mass incarceration, employment and voting rights primarily focused on local and state concerns. Formed in 2016 and open to all members of the Jewish community, the NJSJR stands on the Jewish moral values of mishpat (justice for all), tzedakah (social justice), gemilut hesedim (acts of loving kindness), and rahamim (compassion for those in need).  



Irwin Venick  

Avi Poster