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B'nai B'rith Maimonides Lodge #46  

Grounded in brotherhood and benevolence, B'nai B'rith Maimonides Lodge #46 is the oldest Jewish organization in Nashville. Sponsors program and events for visually impaired children, promotes community interfaith events and service. 

Steven Remer, President, ;(615) 356-2383 

(615) 356-2383

B'nai B'rith Social Unit  

B'nai B'rith Social Unit was founded in 1994 as a social group for men and women who are about-to-be or already empty nester.  In its 23 years, B'nai B'rith Social Unit has more than tripled its membership to more than 90. Through the years, its unit has been engaged in a number of community service projects such as a community blood drive and an annual drive among its members to provide books to Book-em. The unit’s members are also involved in enjoyable social events, including its annual summer barbeque and December 24th party.

Gayle Lipp, President:

Marilyn Krick, programming vice  president:

Genesis Campus for Jewish Life  

The Center for Jewish Awareness serves the Jewish community in Middle Tennessee with a full range of educational, religious and social services, including programs for adults, children and family events.  Chabad of Nashville is a place where everyone is welcome - regardless of affiliation or level of knowledge. Our sole purpose is to create a warm welcoming environment to explore and experience our heritage and Judaism's warm and relevant spiritual inspirations in a non-judgmental and inviting atmosphere. 

(615) 646-5750 

Tommy Bernard, President 

Rabbi Yitzchok and Esther Tiechtel, Executive Directors,

Rabbi Chaim and Bassie Weitman, Program Directors

Chabad of Nashville 95 Bellevue Road Nashville, TN 37221 (615) 646-5750

Nashville Chapter of Hadassah, The Zionist Women's Organization of America 

The Nashville Chapter of Hadassah is comprised of a dynamic group of women who share a passion for social action, helping others and supporting the State of Israel. This multigenerational group of women also focuses on women’s health issues, education, and just getting together to have a good time. Our Nashville chapter, comprised of more than 650 women come and over 150 male associates, offers many programming and volunteer opportunities for those who want to be involved. 

Deana Goldstein, Co-President

Sarah Ruden, Co-President

Nashville Jewish Film Festival  

The Nashville Jewish Film Festival is a first-class Festival dedicated to the exploration and understanding of contemporary Jewish life throughout the world. Through the screening of both feature films and documentaries at the Belcourt Theater over an 8 day period the NJFF attracts an audience of over a 1000 people. The Festival creates a forum for the wider Middle Tennessee community to understand the complexity of issues surrounding Jewish life in contemporary society. 

Volunteer Co-chairs: Jamie Brook, Laurie Eskind, Jackie Roth Karr, Cindy Moskowitz, Loretta Saff 

Managing Director: Fran Brumlik,  ; (615) 356-7170

Marketing Director: Kurt Meyer 

801 Percy Warner Blvd. Nashville, TN 37205


The Nashville Israeli Folk Dancers 

The Nashville Israeli Folk Dance Group was started in 1993 by a small group of amateur folk dance enthusiasts. It modeled after groups found in every major city in the world in which people of all ages and cultures get together regularly to participate in Israeli folk dancing. The Dance group has three weekly sessions: Tuesday, 8-9:30 p.m., Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Friday, 10:30-11:30 a.m.  


Sharon Morrow

Evelyn Koch


(615) 491-0840


National Council of Jewish Women, Nashville Section  

The National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) is a volunteer organization, inspired by Jewish values, that works through a program of research, education, advocacy and community service, to improve the quality of life for women, children and families and strives to ensure individual rights and freedoms for all.  

801 Percy Warner Blvd. Nashville, TN 37205

East Side Tribe

  • East Side Tribe is a grassroots social and spiritual community fueled by Jewish values and rooted in East Nashville, Tennessee. We are a welcoming environment for anyone interested in learning about and participating in Jewish life, regardless of background or faith. We believe that in our era of global citizenship, Jewish communities must seek a deeper spiritual connectedness through interfaith dialogue, charitable action that contributes to social justice, and shared worship that ties tradition to progressive thought.


Jewsic City Shabbat 

Jewsic City Shabbat is a non-affiliated organization that provides unplugged musical services that are open to anyone in the community who wants to experience Judaism in a meaningful way through music, prayer, and community. "Rooted in traditional but not at all traditional" is our motto. We meet at homes all over Nashville (or on Zoom if not able to meet in person). To be notified about future events, join our Facebook group.

Contact Sarah Ruden for more info.