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Need Based Camp Scholarships

What was it about those weeks spent summer after summer that inspired your connection to Judaism? Was it the spirited singing in the dining hall after dinner or the Havdalah service on the edge of the lake at sunset? Many enriching experiences can occur at Jewish summer camps. It is about creating community for life, not just for a summer.


Year after year our children return home from camp filled with stories, memories, renewed friendships and new friendships. For many of our children it could be the first time that they are surrounded by all things Jewish. Overnight Jewish camping is the best way to introduce our children to the joy and celebration of the Jewish traditions.


The Jewish Federation of Nashville and Middle Tennessee realizes the importance of building Jewish life and makes available on a need basis financial assistance for students to attend Jewish summer camps.




To request information on summer camp opportunities, please contact Becky Gunn at the Jewish Federation office, 615-356-1624, or by email,  All inquiries are confidential. Click below for an application.