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Congregation Sherith Israel

3600 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37205

P: 615 292-6614
F: 615 463-8260

Sherith Israel is a century-old Orthodox synagogue with a rich history. We welcome every Jew to our community, regardless of background, level of observance or Jewish knowledge, age, or socio-economic circumstances. Our well-attended Shabbat and holiday services are meaningful, warm and welcoming, with well-chosen, inspiring words of Torah from Rabbi Strosberg and beautiful melodies as Rabbi Strosberg, Cantor Lieberman or one of our members leads the service. We offer extensive youth programs, adult educational and social programming, and community service programs. But what is most special about Sherith Israel is how we unite in worship and in caring for one another. We hope you will take time to experience a Shabbat or holiday with us, get to know Rabbi Saul Strosberg, Rabbi Daniel Levitt and Cantor Lieberman, and become part of our Shul family.